Ruby 12AX7WBC Silver Plate Preamp Vacuum Tube, vintage ruby tube
Ruby 12AX7WBC Silver Plate Preamp Vacuum Tube, vintage ruby tube

RUBY Tubes

Ruby 12AX7WBC Silver Plate Preamp Vacuum Tube

Sale price$50.00

The Ruby 12AX7WBC Silver Plate Preamp Vacuum Tube offers reduced vibrations and microphonics with its short silver plate, resulting in superior conductivity and longevity. A reliable and high-performer, this tube promises optimal sound quality and efficiency for any audio application. The 12AX7WBC vintage tube, produced by the renowned Shuguang factory between 1997-2005. These tubes are new and after extensive testing, they came back with amazing results!

All Magic Parts™ Tubes Are Tested Extensively For Quality Assurance
6 Month Warranty On All Tubes